Archives for January 2008

small walk in the snow

clearing clouds

chris and martin

above the cloud

Admiring the views from above the cloud base, well, some of it.


The snow man was purely an exercise in keeping warm.
Sitting on cold snow while scoffing some lunch was probably a mistake.


Local advice told us that the most important decision when going into the mountains is the correct selection of foot ware.

feet protection

Some foot ware however is rather fussy about the selection of hiker.

50 years of Lego

lego corner

walker (at-st)

imperial landing craft

x wing fighter

For the boys every day is a Lego day, so the fact that Sunday was the 50 year anniversary didn't have the impact it appears to have had on some .

From the top: Lego corner; AT-ST (aka walker) ; Imperial Landing Craft ; X-Wing Fighter .



bizarre is vegas

Seatac departures

Domestic departures at SEATAC has this great picture view window, the sky is always amazing to look at from here, even when it's 18% grey .

las veags airport slot machine heaven

By contrast, McCarran International in Vegas has slot machines. Nuff said.

hotel room view

vegas looking north

I stayed at the Venetian — the worlds largest hotel — and the view's weren't too shabby either.

venetian canal in vegas

Oh, and the hotel has it's own version of the Grand Canal , complete with singing gondoliers .

Thankfully traveling for work is less frequent than it used to be (! :-)

Yard work helper

helping with the yared work

A couple of jobs needed doing. F helped, so they took a while longer than expected :-)


deer in the garden

Spotted in the garden yesterday: deer!

Fun at the museum

vets at the children's museum

children at the children's museum

Fay and the boys took a trip to the children's museum .

Fun much you have.

Fun with puddles

posing for a piccy

murky clouds over cottage lake

The boys were left to play today so we knocked down a couple of levels on Lego Star Wars and then headed down to Cottage Lake during a break between showers.

F admires some style

racing style

I can do it too

After a circuit round the park and a spot of 'Star Wars Tag' in the deserted play area, we followed Finn's lead and went amphibious with the bikes.
Much fun.

More on flickr .


Planning for Adams

Plans for 2008 include bagging at least one of the Cascade Volcanoes .
Mount Adams , at 12,276 ft, is likely to be our first target but the real fun will be the training hikes.

[Pssst: If Fay asks, Rainier and Baker are not on the agenda ;-)]

Balancing Act

balancing act

Balancing bikes at the end of a new years day ride.