Archives for July 2023

Getting the balance right


Saturday Walk (and pub)

A tractor for Les

Saturday afternoon and a lovely pub and walk with the lovely H & D. And Fay found L a tractor. Result.

Saturday Ride


Saturday morning, up onto Langdon Hill and Cholsey Downs.

I learnt that 'byways' aren't great for gravel riding, because heavy vehicles create deep ruts, which mean peddle strikes.

Oh, and some of the ruts are deep.

And full of water.

Muddy water.

Fun ride 🤩



New packaging from Horsebox Coffee. Three years and counting. And still an excellent choice for fika.

July in the Garden

Garden in July

Between the showers

Evening light

Between the showers the light was pretty awesome. The seagulls enjoyed the view too.

Evening light

The Game

The Game

Chess, checkers and table-tennis (between the showers). Someone won.

Dropping things


A bit busy recently. Dropping more of these than normal. Quite a few more.


Flowers, camera, sign, kaizen

Experimenting with T-Shirts and symbols.



Evening kayak, boat to the boat for a pint with H. Hopefully more cals out than in ;-)

Not sure I'd park there

Not sure I'd park that there

Outside the office. Nice truck.



3-0 up in the chess this weekend. I'm not bragging. But let's not mention the table tennis…

Profile Tweaking

Profile tweaking

Super proud of H — site is live and instagram too!!!!

web site screen shot - fitness and nutrition

Launch day!!!

Launch day

Super proud of Fay!

Ewok, for ever

Ewok, forever

Wikipedia defines as follows: "The Ewoks are a fictional species of small, furry, mammaloid, bipeds in the Star Wars universe. They inhabit the forest moon of Endor and live in arboreal huts and other simple dwellings, being seen as primitive in comparison with other sentient species."

But we know that Ewok is far from fictional 🤩

An election is coming

Ewok and Yogi

You heard it here first. Election before the end of the year.

NHS waiting times since 1990 showing increases under conservative administrations and decreases under labour

UK average wages: lower than 18 years ago and worse than peer countries

The difference between red and blue in a picture. (via John Burn-Murdoch at the Financial Times).

Everything Else at the Library

The Library

H and C & the library. First gig.

Ewok & Fay

Ewok and Fay

Collective noun for a group of cabs

A shady spot for the Internet hardware

Network cabinets proliferating under the shade of the traffic junction. I'm wondering what the collective noun of these boxes might be?

Spot the difference


Padstow in July

In Padstow

In Padstow

In Padstow

In Padstow

In Padstow