Tag self

The Robot




Wellness Day 1

Bike on a train

We've been here before, but this time what came next was more successfull.

Reading Station

Bike is ready to board the ten thirty-ish to Penzance.

Frank Green Mug

And I'm ready too, with caffeine drink in a slightly leaky mug.

Taunton station

Taunton arrived - almost as quickly as the snack cart.

The view away from Dawlish

It was slower after Exeter, but the views are something special.

The end of bias

And the reading was just as good.

Bike on a train

Too soon, Bodmin Parkway arrived. Luckily mine was the only bike, so I was able to wrangle it out of the rack with only 5 minutes of hassle (oh to be a fly-on-the-wall for the user research that never happened when this wasn't designed)

Bodmin Parkway to Padstow by bike route 5 and the Camel Trail

Bodmin Parkway to Padstow by bike route 5 and the Camel Trail

The route from Parkway station into Bodmin is a wonderful ride through the woodland around Lanhydroc. There's lots of trails here to explore, and on reflection, this might have been a tad over ambitious on a single-speed.

Bodmin Parkway to Padstow by bike route 5 and the Camel Trail

After the woods is a dog-leg to get across the A30 Bodmin Bypass and then down into Bodmin to pick up the Camel Trail.

Bodmin Parkway to Padstow by bike route 5 and the Camel Trail

Bodmin Parkway to Padstow by bike route 5 and the Camel Trail

The trail was almost deserted, a big change from the summer when it's packed wheel-to-wheel. Unlike the summer there was plenty of places in the Wadebridge bike racks... but the coffee place I'd found last time was shut.

Padstow Spar

I made it just before the rain, but managed to get soaked picking up some supplies. But at least I managed a selfie to prove to F that I'd made it ;-)

Elevation Track

Going back might take a little longer...

Fish and Chip Selfie

Chip selfie

Fish and chip supper down by the river.

Selfie on the Beach


Half Selfie [1]


A long time ago we met a couple (in Matt's in the Market) who did this strange thing of taking a picture of themselves while holding the camera at arm's length facing the wrong way. We thought them most odd. How times change.


  • [1] Half ∵ for a full selfie both of us would have needed to take the picture.
  • [2] Note in this picture, Fay's amazing impression of small eyes Aiddy.

Framed Selfie


Abstract selfie

Highkey selfie



Somewhere near The King William.



Seattle with H

35,000 foot selfie

Frankies jet-lag cure

Corner booth for breakfast. Omelette, pancakes and pastries.

Taking pictures of a soccer tournanent on a cell phone fails. So here's a parking pass.


Playing cards with just-back-from-Chelan-H in the hotel bar

Seattle with H. Me for work. H for time with friends (and a little soccer too). Awesome.